Insurance News
In the event of a claim, we will assist you in the management of the claims process and work with you and the insurance carrier to make sure your covered claims are properly handled in a timely manner. We assist you until your claim is complete and closed.
You may contact a contractor of your choice for emergency repairs or call our office for resources.
All claims should be reported as soon as possible either directly to the carrier or to our office. You may report a claim directly to our office at 586-977-6300 between 8:15 AM and 4:45 PM (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday.
If you need to report a claim after hours, please call the carrier directly.
Be sure to report any burglary or theft to the police and obtain the police report number.
Collect the names/addresses of all drivers and passengers involved in the accident along with the names and contact information of any witnesses and police personnel on the scene.
Make temporary repairs and take all other steps necessary to protect your property from further damage. Do not throw out damaged property until the company adjuster has an opportunity to inspect the damage.
Outside of business hours, please contact the insurance carrier directly regarding claims.
Chicken Noodle Casserole
As a Independent Health Insurance Agency we believe in Health and Fitness. Sometimes you just need comfort food and this works on a cold Michigan Day. Chicken Noodle Casserole Ingredients: 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for greasing dish Kosher salt 12...
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14 Easy Steps to Starting Your Small Business in Macomb County
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Water Back-up and Broken water pipe in Macomb
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Centerline, Michigan Small Business Insurance
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Michigan Insurance Source
Clinton Twp. Location
33808 Groesbeck Hwy
Clinton Township, MI 48035
P 586-846-3133
F 586-846-2206