Homeowners Insurance
Please call 586-846-3133 to request a quote.
A home is often one’s largest financial asset. Therefore, purchasing the right homeowner insurance policy is critical. We can help you make the right decisions when it comes to insuring your home and your possessions.
Owning and maintaining a home in Macomb, Oakland, and St Clair County is often one’s largest financial asset. Therefore, purchasing the right homeowners insurance policy is critical. Your mortgage company requires you to have a homeowners policy, and for good reason: if your home is destroyed, without homeowners insurance, you would still be required to pay for a home that no longer exists. Homeowners insurance is not just for catastrophic events such as this, however. It provides coverage in the event of property damage due to fire, water, lightning, smoke, and other natural disasters. Let our agents help you in getting the right coverage’s for the items you own inside your home including your valuable’s such as jewelry. It can also cover legal fees in the event of a lawsuit resulting from someone becoming injured on your property.
Talk to one of our agents and let them assist you with selecting the right homeowners insurance policy, as well as answer questions about your existing policy.

Michigan Insurance Source
Clinton Twp. Location
33808 Groesbeck Hwy
Clinton Township, MI 48035
P 586-846-3133
F 586-846-2206